Saturday, 12 November 2016

My Music Video - The Storyboard

After I created the shot list I was able to draw up the storyboard for (most parts of) my music video.

This story board depicts the opening and ending scenes of the video. The "video video video" box in the middle represents the music video that happens in between.
The above story board (starting with the fairy lights and ending at the mosh pit/concert) depict what the action that takes place during verse 1 & 2.
As I have not decided on the ordering of the chorus I decided not to storyboard it, especially as I feel that the visual I have in my head, coupled with my detailed shot list, will be enough for me to know what shots I want to get when it comes down to it.
I've also made a  minor adjustments to shot types between the shot list and the story board (the storyboard showing the new shot types), as they're more appropriate. 

(Please excuse the inaccurate perspectives of some of the drawings - art is not really my forte.)

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