Friday, 3 February 2017

My Music Video - Production Log

20th October 2016
iPhone Footage: 'Billy Talent' Concert
  • I chose to film segments of the performance and the mosh pit using my iPhone's camera as it allowed me the mobility to capture and convey the Subject's point of view. The shakiness of the footage was a deliberate choice, as I wanted the audience to feel as though they were watching through the Subject's perspective. My choice to use an iPhone is also a nod to the social media culture modern teens have created, and of how we are now capable of vividly sharing our memories and experiences with one another. 
  • I was very satisfied with how the footage turned out (a good thing too, because otherwise I would've had to find another concert to film.)

26th November 2016
GoPro Footage: Bike riding, Tree climbing, Reading & Records
  • My initial plan was to film this footage using a GoPro to get 'point of view' shots, but half way into the shoot I discovered the GoPro had died on me. To avoid the shoot being a complete waste I switched to using my iPhone once again, deciding that at the very least I would capture some test footage. (This lead to me climbing a tree one handed, which was certainly a precarious venture...) Thankfully, when I reviewed the footage later I was quite pleased with what I captured, and am satisfied that it's usable within my video.

3rd December 2016
DSLR: England projections in school, River scenes
  • This shoot started off at school in the photography rooms, using the projector to display the previous footage I'd taken and edited. I positioned my actress in front of the projections (which were against a white board in the room) and captured medium and close up shots with the camera stationary on a tripod. As a whole this shoot went smoothly, with the one exception of having to source a new mask due to complications building the Jaguar Mask.
  • We then moved down to Ilkley river to film the opening and closing scenes of the video. Once again I used a DSLR stationary on a tripod, adjusted the exposure and white balance, and began to film. 

20th December 2016 - 5th January 2017
GoPro: Beach, Flip Flops, Underwater, Girl on beach, Fireworks
iPhone: Bonfire, Palm Trees, Fairy Lights, NYE Party
  • My strategy for filming these segments was to have my GoPro and iPhone always prepared to film whatever scenery or activities I engaged in during the time that I was on holiday back home in Grand Cayman. Before filming, I did make sure to compile a list of potential shot ideas to use as a guidelines, and to ensure that I would have opportunities to film certain things (such as the bonfire party, and the beach); but I also engaged in spontaneous filming, as I wanted the footage to reflect the Subject's memories and I believed that this was the best way to achieve that.
  • I chose to use the GoPro for locations near water, while I ended up using the iPhone for everything else. 

13th January 2017
DSLR: Subject getting ready
  • For this shoot I used the DSLR, and positioned it at various points about my room to film the sequence for the subject 'getting ready' for the concert. I had some issues with lighting, as initially I had planned to light the room with candles and fairy-lights; however, after fiddling with the white balance for sometime I was still unhappy with the colours, and feared making the footage grainy. This lead me to instead use the room's build in bright overhead lights, and while I am a little disappointed that the softer lighting didn't work out, overall I am still very happy with how the footage turned out.

18th January 2017
iPhone: Subject and Partner waiting for train
iPhone: Subject and Partner entering venue
  • For this shoot, I essentially took my male actor on a long walk - we started at the top of the hill, walked down a pathway through a wooded section to the train station, and then walked to a random building we'd found that had graffiti and double doors and was appropriate to convey the mise-en-scene of a concert venue. I filmed all of this on my iPhone with one hand, as my other hand was being used as the "subject's hand" (I wore the same coat that she's seen in to convey this) - I did this so as to achieve the subject's point of view.

3rd February 2017
DSLR: Cayman projections in school
  • This shoot worked much the same as the first projection room shoot. We went to the photography rooms during our lunch period, set up the DSLR, positioned Rose against the whiteboard, and started the projection reel. Just like the first shoot, I took 2 medium shots (one with her stationary and one with her moving) and 2 close up shots (again, one of her stationary, one of her moving.) 
  • Overall this was the easiest shoot! We finished in record time, and I am very happy with the footage we captured.

With that, I am glad to be able to conclude the filming process. While I have enjoyed the shoots, I have realised over this process that I personally prefer filming pieces with set storylines. The abstract nature of my music video concept has been an interesting and engaging challenge to bring to life, and while I am satisfied with the work I created thus far, if I'm being completely honest, I am not in any particular rush to undertake a music video project again (but that's just between us!) 

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